P.A.Noushad: Could you name a few most influential international writers in your life?
Sachidanandan: It is very difficult to tell one particular writer, though I can say, Destovesky from Russia touched me very deeply, especially his novel Crime and Punishment. Human psyche, human values, spirituality-not in the sense of organized religion- are some of the important peculiarities of his works. J.M.Coetzee, South African Fiction writer has also impressed me much. Among the poets Paul Telan from Germany and Cesar Vallegao from Peru, I enjoy them much.
P.A.Noushad: After Rabindra Nath Tagore no other writer from India has bagged the Nobel Prize for literature. Your opinion.
Sachidanandan: Politics and mechanism play a crucial role in deciding the Nobel Prize winner, which is one of the main reasons why Indians are neglected. There are Indian writers who write better than some of the Nobel Prize winners. We have to remember that Tolstoy was never bestowed with a Nobel Prize.
P.A.Noushad: About the attitudes of the people of Kerala, not showing interest in English literature, at the same time showing much interest in English Medium Schools, what is the irony behind of this?
Sachidanandan: Neglecting mother tongue is suicidal, education in mother tongue is better than other languages, especially during the primary stages of education. For international communication, for acquiring global knowledge, and for jobs English has its own importance. Perhaps practical way of thinking is leading the people of Kerala to embrace English Medium Schools and not to English Literature.
P.A.Noushad: About the contemporary Indian English writers.
Sachidanandan: Amithab Gosh and Alan Shee are my favourites from the contemporary Indian English writers; their unique style and their presentation relating the Indian social set up are remarkable.
P.A.Noushad: The happiest moment in your life so far.
Sachidanandan: Birth of my daughter, the feeling of being a father, that was the moment.
Nice and judgemental interview .