Wednesday, January 15, 2025
ArticlesMoulding our new generations - Vaishnavi Sanoj, Kerala

Moulding our new generations – Vaishnavi Sanoj, Kerala


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Last Sunday on The Hindu open page was an article ‘The home came live as TV conked out.” And yes, it is true in most case. Years before when our states had to undergo the blessed load shedding power offs, I remember a good number of our compound people getting together for chit chat and for us children, it was best time to play hide and seek in the dim moon light. The open houses looked serenely beautiful by the lights of oil lamps and candles.

But today there is revolution in our life, one that is greatly brought in by the presence of TV and the alike. My two year old son was doing all pranks he could to avoid his lunch. When all my bargaining efforts with him was proved useless, I was about to leave him. Just then his grandmother called, “put on his cartoon, he will eat.” And mom was absolutely right, the moment his hero Chhota Bheem appeared on screen his mouth mechanically opened for food.

And this happens in most houses; I have heard of children from two years and above watching TV continuously for hours together. The negative effects of this practice, over a long period of time have been published in many media. Besides this, have we ever thought of the fact that every piece of video they watch become food for their mind and later contribute to their character by large?

One day my little one walked to me and raised his legs to kick mine saying “dishum dishum. Ma, I am doing like the uncle in the TV.” My instantaneous urge was to scold him for imitating the idiot box. But who are we to blame?  Here is another one instance; my co-sister’s four year old daughter was clowning around her grandmother. As her plays were getting violent mother asked to stay away; soon she jumped down and clung to mother’s legs telling, “Amma, you are my only amma, you carried me in your womb for ten months, where will I go if you disown me? Please forgive me, please.” That clearly was the effect of the mini screen serials which adults stick on to.  Now, who is the one to be blamed or tamed?

Next is the cartoon effect. Some six decades ago, the few children’s tales in India were perhaps those of Panchatantra and Hitopadesh. Later, with the western influence Tom, Jerry. Mickey, Donald and few similar icons walked in. Today right from the Gods to a dozen of super heroes, cartoons have had plethora of revolution in them. But do they all help the little minds evolve positively?

Firstly there are the super heroes to whom children are by and large addicted. Though that turn out to be boon for those in school stationary business, the impact upon our children is not very positive. Popeye, the sailor eats a tin full of spinach and has instant strong muscles with which he breaks a huge wall into pieces, while a seven year old cries pathetically being hurt while attempting to imitate the scene. Switch this to large frame and this is what exactly happens. Children learn to be unrealistic in goal fixing and always prefer quick-fix solutions to almost every problem.

Secondly, while the effort of imparting epics to children via cartoons is very much appreciated, there is a danger of degrading our heritage, associated with it. Nowadays, many cartoons of Lord Krishna, Lord Ganesha and Lord Hanuman are being broadcasted and they are absolutely disconnected from the epic. God forbid the time when Krishna, Rama and Shiva will all be remembered as mere cartoon characters.

Finally, as technology puts our life in ‘easy mode’, it is our duty to head on the hard task of nurturing our children, not just by bullying around them with academic texts, but by spending quality time with them to teach them the difference between a cartoon or cinematic world, ideal world and real world. Encourage them in opting books over TV .Conversely; if we let TV mould our children, then we would only end up in creating a generation of substance less citizens.

Editorial Team of Indian Ruminations.


  1.  It is a good article targeted mainly to generation ‘NANO’. My biggest worry is about ‘eye’ problem they may within a decade of close watching for long duration. One can find school going kids wear thick spectacles. God forbid, the  next generation  may have even ‘colour blindness’. My bachelor degree students are no exception. They have one more vice: Mobile phone.
    Hope nature will throw some challenge and some solution as well.

  2. Very well written.In today’s world television has become a companion to most of the human beings.Many of them spend their quality time watching some nuisance serials,reality shows and to name many other programs which in no way contribute in the individuals development.By this,it doesn’t mean accusing the television and its worth watching programs(to name there are lot of them which benefit in improving our knowledge and awareness).Everything has a limit,too much of anything is harmful.
    As quoted in the article children are getting too much addicted to television these days and because of this they are losing their valuable childhood during which they’re supposed to go out and play with other kids and enjoy.Its the duty of each parent to create an environment in home so that the child wont get accustomed to television.Parents should be sensible enough to restrict their children from watching too much of television.They must be selective in allowing their kids to watch certain healthy programs which shall help in the childs development.The present scenario is that even parents are very much addicted to the tv serials to an extent that they forget the food kept on the stove.People in their free time prefer to watch tv rather than reading books and novels.Reading helps in developing new insights and thereby help improving their personality,health,to face problems with confidence and to name a lot of them.
    So its time for each of us to change.Inspite of watching tv go out and talk to your neighbours and friends,this helps in creating a better relationship which shall persist even after the serials wind up due to fall in TRP ratings!!!!
    And yeah,all sweet little kids out there watching cartoon network and pogo,go out and play and a be real hero in your own life.Don’t stick to tv because you’ve sweet friends waiting for you to play with them.

  3. Hello Vaishnavi ji,

    Yeah, even i have gone through the article of Elizabeth Devis in ‘the Hindu’. Indeed, there the topic was how family re united when power went off…. Here, the topic is contemporary, issue raising and thought provocative.

    I accept, the meaning less cartoon shows are changing the mere perceptions of children at large. Mainly, they are losing their patience being a couch potato and sometimes it’s really shocking to see them enact the characters they have watched or seen.

    Good point to be discussed. To be in particular, this is all the problem of woman being at work most of the time. Don’t take me wrong, but it is true in fact as previously Woman used to be at home and were able to look after their children without any hesitation, but now it has changed. Not to blame anyone, being adhered to their professional matters, the modern moms are a bit conservative in looking after their children.

    As a matter of fact, I have seen some modern mom’s forcing their toddlers ‘go watch that show your favourite one’, instead of pacifying and showering their love on to them.

    Here there is nothing to offense, but it is happening.

    Best Regards,

  4. Colorful fun lots of possibilities for activities and decor etc. this should be one of the easiest and most delightful parties among the theme parties for children s parties. Some of the younger children might not understand that they are possibly not going to be the only Superman and may have to share super powers if another one shows up…Another option is to let the birthday child select let everyone know on the invitation that you have dibs on the hero of choice and let everyone else select anyone but that one.

  5. namaskarams…..thanks for the education………….significantly, humans are attached to MACHINES————-they are forgetting communication with fellow human beings………………..the end product is SOCIETY INSENSITIVITY………………….satish,r.

  6. namaskarams……………i still remember the story telling teacher in my school…………….he kept us SPELLBOUND every week during the compulsory STORY CLASSES…………………EYE TO EYE HUMAN CONTACT during hindu mytholgy stories————-MIND BLOWING IMPACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! satish,r.

  7. Hi Vaishnavi,

    You are very much correct……………. Kindly send us such articles………. as we all have to learn about such small small things………until and unless someone informs us we won’t be knowing………….


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