Friday, October 11, 2024

Monthly Archives: September, 2012

Spy by the Woods – L. James Green, Karnataka

The wooden embalmment’s twined ‘bout The mud of ants which swell in hills Upon the golden earth by which the Bamboos lie naked for their shed’d Silk...

Black Hole – C M Bhandari, Surat

It’s not at all black, certainly not a hole radiates nothing, not even infra-wave, blackbody of an unusual kind it emits darkness pure. It sucks everything else, exists out...

Memoirs of a con – Akshay, Ranchi

I cannot abscond from life, Painful this unrelenting strife, Jarred by a wicked dart, Crimson, oozed my wailing heart. Overwhelmed by the thought, To grind her selfish mind, Ending her...

My Wind Blows – Kousik Adhikari , West Bengal

My wind blows; from the new-born desert, Only sand flies; increases unaccepted thirst. I return carrying tent in the tired crowd of port, What a surprise! It...

I Pray – Nikhil Chandwani, Tamilnadu

As I look out in the blue And see the darkening skies. I remember those old times, And tears shows up within my eyes. Those golden moments that...

Just being – Mary Annie, Kerala

Let me walk with you just walk . Let me talk  to you Just talk. Let me smile with  you Just smile. Let me love you just love. Do not...

Master Fear – S. Subramanian, Chennai

In the olden days, I peeped out of my midnight window To search for that elusive stranger Who has pumped more blood from my heart than any...

Rivery Reveries! – Maya B, Bangalore

Sitting on the lovely porch Watching you change colours I feel so amazed and mused!! When the sun is just awake You have a sheepish blue look Still the...

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A night to remember

Stay up all night with me for once, I say Don’t complain we have work the very next day Step out...
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“Wow, you look...” As soon as those words slipped from his mouth, he regretted conceding to a third drink...


One day when I'm dead I'll be alive is how they put it at church and Sunday School and sometimes I...

Must read

A night to remember

Stay up all night with me for once, I...


“Wow, you look...” As soon as those words slipped...