Amidst all cacophony,
Laments that seem to emanate from nowhere.
Shh..Shh..listen ,listen, listen,
The plaintive cries of the distressed earth
Urging mankind to pay heed;
The fervent pleas of forcefully evicted souls
Entreating a peaceful coexistence;
Do you all hear it or am I hallucinating?
The lure of the lucre
Has it blinded the vision,
The power of wealth
Has it dimm’d the hearing, I know not,
But no change is visible
In the developments around.
The tall harsh concrete structures
Litter the beautiful landscape.
They loom over the greenery that’s vainly trying
To escape the impending doom.
Ravage or get ravaged is their inhuman message.
Oh you obit writers,
Wield your pen and hone your skills
The earth is all set for an early death
Shed no tears, the onslaught she cannot withstand
She will be happier dead than alive.